Doctor Who is a Woman!

It’s official the 13th incarnation of the most popular alien with two hearts was announced to be Jodie Whittaker!


Yes! It’s happening. No! It’s not the end of the world. In fact it’s the beginning of an all new world, or should I say worlds? You know since Doctor Who is a show about a time traveling alien in outer space?

Yeah, you got it..

For those who are saying “OMG! What is wrong with the world! The Doctor HAS to be a man!”

Look I was just like you. I was determined that the Doctor had to be a man because of the 50-year-old dynamic that has worked so well but when I saw the names thrown around for the female lead I was excited, there were a bunch of talented ladies who could actually do the character justice.

That and also the male favorites thrown around weren’t as impressive or made much practical sense.

I was hoping the female Doctor would be Olivia Coleman and my only satisfactory male Doctor for the 13th incarnation would have been Craig Ferguson.

But having seen Jodie Whittaker’s talent as an actor in Broadchurch and the depth she brings to her character was enough to get me excited!

Also the fact that Chris Chibnall was in charge of Broadchurch, and had worked with Jodie before I’m confident them working together will have some amazing results.

If nothing else the fact that Chris chose her, knowing her abilities is good enough for me, and if you really need a man to validate a female Doctor there you go…

Also if you are worried about the science (fiction) and logic logic if a time lord could even be a woman? If it was just a PC move to satisfy the “femilnazi” it’s not.. Through the history of Doctor Who it has been indicated that THIS CAN HAPPEN!

A few questions tho:

  1. What will she wear? I wouldn’t mind her in a dress (it better have pockets for the sonic screwdriver) but will it be practical? I mean pants are basically unisex at this point right?
  2. Will her companion be a male? Or female? Or both?
  3. Will she have the same sonic screwdriver ans TARDIS as Capaldi?
  4. Will her Doctor be aware that she’s a woman now? He did say he’s farily certain he used to be a woman at some point (wait so he has regenerated even more that the 15 times we’re aware of?)
  5. Do female time lords (ummmm… time ladies?) Become pregnant?
  6. Will she be Scottish?
  7. Why is she still not ginger?

Well guess we’ll have to wait till the Christmas special or season 11 to find out.

I for one am super excited. I really hope Jodie Whittaker and Chris Chibnall will do this iconic show justice!

I will miss Peter and Pearl tho. Peter was the embodiment of the Doctor’s character but didn’t get a proper opportunity to shine in the first two seasons of his run and Peale didn’t get enough time to be her brilliant self.

Well, Geronimo!

Also read: 5 Reasons why Jodie Whittaker is a good choice for ‘Doctor Who’ (and none are because she is female)